For all those who do not know me, I am Jillian. I recently quit my job because it sucked and came home to take care of my family's pup. I left on Friday the 13th and was pretty sure I will crash and burn to my death. I came to grips with this while watching Final Destination 5 and was confident that I would have a premonition before the plane went down in a crazy fire that started from the pilot spilling his coffee on his lap. Which then lead to it dripping somewhere in the dashboard, then it would cause an electrical spark, then it would cause a fire which spread all other the engine, then we would all panic and finally the plane would start to go down while taking out people in an ever so gruesome and unrealistic fashion. Except none of this happened, instead I read a book and listened to music for 2 hours. In a way I was slightly disappointed because it would be rad to see your death before hand but it would kind of suck to not live and tell someone. Annnyyyways, I landed safely but 15 minutes late due to some stupid girl puking before we even took off. I randomly bumped into a former co-worker at the airport and felt somewhat relieved that I didn't die on the airplane flight 575 that was suppose to cause a major news story (which I totally thought would happen). Enough about this plane crash that didn't happen.
I met my mom and headed home. We caught up about family drama and married life. I am a newlywed by the way. 6 months and heading for divorce, just kidding! We are totally happy. Divorce really shouldn't be a laughing matter but I guess my sense of humor is pretty low brow at times. Oh but before we headed home my mom took me to see Magic Mike with her co-workers. Okay, let me clarify this situation. I did not want to see this movie, my mom did. It was horrible and I don't like wieners all in my face to begin with so why would I pay money to see it. Well I didn't pay so why does it matter. My mom can be pretty funny when it comes to movies or anything remotely exciting for women. My mom would hoot and holler at the guys. At one point she said "WHERE ARE MY DOLLAR BILLS?!". That's my mom, willing to give money to fictional strippers in a movie. The movie was finally over and I could then go pee and GTFO of that movie theatre.
We finally got home and I was really excited to see my family. When you live thousands of miles away from them you really grow to appreciate your parents. I got to evaluate our dog to prepare myself for 3 weeks of being a dog's nurse. In about 10 minutes of being home they found poop on the floor because he is having a hard time with his bowel movements. He is a really good dog and would never poop in the house but I guess when you cant use one leg you go where ever you want. Oh the joy of being a dog. It is actually going to be an easy nursing gig because he mostly sleeps or lays down most of the day. I am not complaining about this what-so-ever.
I will keep updating about my nursing skills that are nonexistent as time goes by. For now, I am tired of typing and need to shower for an adventurous Costco trip. I will be writing a long post in regard to Costco. I am lots of useless ranting about that store.
Until then, please don't think about having premonitions of dying on a plane. It will just lead to disappointment.
hi hi hi i am so glad you will be providing me with full length updates! i think you have inspired me to revamp my blog as well. maybe not. who gives a dook what i have to say about anything besides you anyway?